Tuesday, February 09, 2010

How to run EIM Mapping Wizard?

Hi Friends,

Its a common activity where in you extend a base table for your customization requirements & then also need the same column available for data loading using Siebel EIM (Enterprise Integration Manger).

Here, i will walk you through simple steps to run EIM Mapping Wizard. For our example i have extended a column in S_ORG_EXT & want to map the same in EIM_ACCOUNT.

1) Lock EIM_ACCOUNT & S_ORG_EXT Projects in your Siebel Tools
2) Go to S_ORG_EXT Table from object explorer in Tools & right click the same to select EIM Table Mapping:

3) Now, Interface Table Mapping Wizard opens up which shows all the EIM tables to which S_ORG_EXT has been associated. Since we want to map our new column in EIM_ACCOUNT, select EIM_ACCOUNT from the list & then click Next:

4) Moving ahead, click finish to let the Mapping Wizard actually map the columns in EIM_ACCOUNT Table:



5) As you saw above the EIM Table mapping has completed successfully. Now in order to reflect the same physically in your database, either go to EIM_ACCOUNT in Tools & use the "Apply" feature or do a DDLSYNC.

This completes the EIM Mapping. Its short & simple!


siebel crm,siebel customer relationship management,siebel solutions,siebel support,siebel supportweb,siebel systems, EIM, EIM Mapping, Extend Base Table, Enterprise Integration Manager, etc

1 comment:

Govindareddy said...

I want to eim mapping for below columns. I tried , but No mapping for PROD_EFF_START_DT , PROD_EFF_END_DT coumns.
Please let me know how to do it.

Base Table : S_CTLG_CAT_PROD