Saturday, April 25, 2009

Buttons in Siebel UI are having Transparent Look & Feel

Hi Friends,

Well a very annonyning problem i came across & it took me around 4 months & 4 Service Requests before Siebel accepted it as bug.

If you have Siebel 8 Implementation in your environment over cross platforms, then you will face this issue of Transparent Buttons across the Application.
For e.g. Application Servers are on Windows Platform
Webservers [Siebel Web Server Extention Implementation] are on UNIX or Linux Platform.

main.css has button related file extension reference in uppercase; i.e. "GIF"
Check the screenshot:

Now, when we are having our Webservers on UNIX or Linux Platform, this upper case extensions become a big bottleneck as file systems are case sensitive.
All the image file provided by Siebel are having file extension in lower case: ie "gif" or "jpg".
Now due to this uppercase extension, the Siebel UI was failing to render the button images at all causing the transparent look & feel.

There are two ways to correct this:
1) Edit the Vanilla main.css under [SWSE_ROOT\public\enu\files] for all such upper case references to lower case: i.e. "GIF" to "gif"
2)Create a copy of button images with uppercase extensions using below commands:
-bash-3.00$ cp bkgrnd_minibtn.gif bkgrnd_minibtn.GIF
-bash-3.00$ cp bkgrnd_minibtn_hover.gif bkgrnd_minibtn_hover.GIF

This issue has been validated from Siebel 8.0 to A Fix Request has been raised, so lets see when this annoying issue of transparent buttons is officially fixed ;-)

Till then happy CRM hunting. :-)

siebel crm, swse, siebel swse, siebel, siebel systems, webservers, web servers, linux, unix, Sun One, Oracle HTTP Server, OHS 2.0, Apache 2.0, IIS, Siebel Web Server Extensions


Unknown said...

Interesting... We've had a similar problem, but rather than rendering with a transparent look and feel, the result has been that our application will hang for the user. The status bar on the bottom left will say something like: "Downloading picture" and the application will just hang.
It happens typically when opening a pick applet, but not everytime. Our tech team hasn't been able to recreate the problem, but it is reported once or twice a day by call center users. We are going to clone the GIFs, creating lowercase versions to see if that helps.

Shalabhsneha Katdare said...

Hi Warren,

Lowercase 'gif' already exist. The issue happens due to missing 'GIF' extension image files.

You need to create copy of image files with CAPITAL 'GIF' extension.


Unknown said...

Hi Shalabhsneha -
You are right... I stated it backwards in my comment. We copied the original lower case image files and now have both lower and upper. Our application hang issue which used to happen multiple times each day hasn't happened in a week.
Thank you for posting these findings. We worked with Oracle for several weeks to no avail before I googled bkgrnd_minibtn.GIF and found your article. Many thanks.

Shalabhsneha Katdare said...

Hi Warren,

Its great to know that my suggested solution has fixed your issue.
I know it's a very annoyning & irritable issue as i took around 4months to find the root cause.

I managed to convince Oracle that this indeed is a bug & got a FR raised, now lets see when they fixed it.
