Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Siebel SRVRMGR Utility - Spool [HOWTO]

Hi Friends,

If you want to take some export of Parameters or Components from SRVRMGR Utility through command prompt, then keep reading...

Below simple steps teach how to take a spool while working with SRVRMGR in Command Line Mode:

Command Line Parameters to Take Spool of Component Parameters:

srvrmgr:>spool C:\Parameter_Spool.txt
srvrmgr:>list parameters for component SSEObjMgr_enu
srvrmgr:> list advanced parameters for component SSEObjMgr_enu
srvrmgr:> list hidden parameters for component SSEObjMgr_enu
srvrmgr:> spool off

Once you exit the srvrmgr, you have Parameter_Spool.txt file ready with required information.
SRVRMGR spool is highly important tool, if you dont use 'Administration - Server Management' in UI for Siebel Server Administration :-)

siebel crm,siebel, siebel systems,srvrmgr,srvrmgr command line, command line,server admin, siebel admin,siebel srvrmgr utility

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SQL Error Creating table Dummy Table to Verify Previleges / Extending the Database by Adding New Columns to the Base Table

Hi Friends,

During development when you are connected to your Local Database, you might need to test out any schema changes to a Table or Column.
In order to achieve this, you will be needing to apply the logical changes from Tools to your Local Database.

While doing so, you need to give Privileged Database User & Password to make changes to your Local DB Schema.
If you use your Tools login username & password; you would be greeted with this two errors:

First Error:
SQL Error Creating table Dummy Table to Verify Privileges

Second Error:
42000 (-121): [Siebel Database][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]Permission denied: you do not have permission to use the "CREATE TABLE" statement

To avoid above errors, you need to change the Privileged User & Password being supplied before applying the change:

Siebel Application User Id User Password
Prior to Version 7.7 DBA SQL
Version 7.7 SIEBEL Local
Version 8.0 SIEBEL Local

Here, Local means to use your own Local User Password.
i.e. Say if you use dummyuser/dummypassword to login to your Local Tools, then you need to use SIEBEL/dummypassword as your Privileged User Id & Privileged User Password for making schema changes to your Local DB.

Same information is also available in the Siebel Bookshelf at:

siebel crm,siebel, siebel systems,siebel tools,siebel crm tools,Local Database, DBF

No server connect string for Siebel Component SRBroker in Siebel Enterprise SBA_ES, Siebel Server DEV8~ 1-3HU6QN~Campaign Contact

Hi Friends,

If you use dedicated client in your environment & try to invoke assignment manager through scripting, then you might face errors like:

"No server connect string for Siebel Component SRBroker in Siebel Enterprise SBA_ES, Siebel Server DEV8~ 1-3HU6QN~Campaign Contact"

For this to work correctly, you need to modify your Dedicated client CFG & include following in the InfraObjMgr Section:


RequestServerName = dev8



RequestServerName = sba_as

Above changes mean that you have to use the 'Logical Siebel Server' Name for RequestServerName instead of Physical Server Name & this Server should have 'Assignment Manager Component' running on it.

After you make these changes in the CFG & restart the client, you will not face this issue again.

siebel crm,siebel, siebel systems,siebel dedicated client,dedicated web client,CFG,Assignment Manager, siebel admin,siebel config,siebel assignment manager

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Buttons in Siebel UI are having Transparent Look & Feel

Hi Friends,

Well a very annonyning problem i came across & it took me around 4 months & 4 Service Requests before Siebel accepted it as bug.

If you have Siebel 8 Implementation in your environment over cross platforms, then you will face this issue of Transparent Buttons across the Application.
For e.g. Application Servers are on Windows Platform
Webservers [Siebel Web Server Extention Implementation] are on UNIX or Linux Platform.

main.css has button related file extension reference in uppercase; i.e. "GIF"
Check the screenshot:

Now, when we are having our Webservers on UNIX or Linux Platform, this upper case extensions become a big bottleneck as file systems are case sensitive.
All the image file provided by Siebel are having file extension in lower case: ie "gif" or "jpg".
Now due to this uppercase extension, the Siebel UI was failing to render the button images at all causing the transparent look & feel.

There are two ways to correct this:
1) Edit the Vanilla main.css under [SWSE_ROOT\public\enu\files] for all such upper case references to lower case: i.e. "GIF" to "gif"
2)Create a copy of button images with uppercase extensions using below commands:
-bash-3.00$ cp bkgrnd_minibtn.gif bkgrnd_minibtn.GIF
-bash-3.00$ cp bkgrnd_minibtn_hover.gif bkgrnd_minibtn_hover.GIF

This issue has been validated from Siebel 8.0 to A Fix Request has been raised, so lets see when this annoying issue of transparent buttons is officially fixed ;-)

Till then happy CRM hunting. :-)

siebel crm, swse, siebel swse, siebel, siebel systems, webservers, web servers, linux, unix, Sun One, Oracle HTTP Server, OHS 2.0, Apache 2.0, IIS, Siebel Web Server Extensions