Friday, January 22, 2010

Genbscript Error: Couldn't enumerate buscomps (initial)

Hi Friends,

This is one of the rare errors which you might get while generating browser script after compiling an full SRF.
Couldn't enumerate buscomps (initial)

This error happens basically when you have a EBC in your SRF while the CFG you are pointing to generate the Browser Script does not have the External Datasource information captured.

Quite puzzled as you must be having the External Datasource configured at Siebel Enterprise Profile Configuration, then why this issue?
Well, if you carefully observe the genbscript command (genbscript "%SIEBEL_ROOT%\siebsrvr\bin\enu\siebel.cfg" "%SIEBEL_ROOT%\siebsrvr\webmaster\enu" enu), we refer to a local CFG, while since we are configuring all the Enterprise Setting through Admin-Siebel Configuration, the changes are directly reflected in our siebns.dat via Gateway & not the local application CFG.

Thus to overcome this issue & generate all the browser scripts successfully, simply add a dummy holder in CFG for the External Datasource:

Open your local application CFG (e.g. siebel.cfg (%SIEBEL_ROOT%\siebsrvr\bin\enu)
Add Under
EDSNAME=EDSNAME    (Here EDSNAME is the actual External Datasource Name configured in Enterprise Profile Configuration)

Add after [ServerDataSrc] block completes:

Thats it! Save the CFG & you are all set for a successful genbscript!

siebel crm,siebel, siebel systems, genbscript, siebns.dat, External Data Source, EBC, External Buscomp, siebel tools, siebel dev, SRF, siebel repository, etc